2. Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1.      Title Page
2.      Table of Contents
3.      Preliminaries
a.       Clearance
b.      Certification
c.       Approval Sheet
4.      Prayer of a student teacher/ Credo/ Personal Education Philosophy
5.      Resume/ Curriculum Vitae
6.      A brief description of the site of practice teaching
7.      Examples of lesson plans used (Semi-detailed)
8.      Evidence of Community outreach
9.      Observation and Evaluation forms
10.  Best lesson plan using creative strategy with the complete set of materials
11.  Sample of learner’s work and feedback
12.  Title and brief synopsis of professional readings and references
a.       Photocopy of the articles/ professional readings
b.      Format of synopsis
i.                    Introduction
ii.                  Summary/ discussion
iii.                Reaction/ Reflection
13.  Daily summary of experiences in the cooperating school
14.  Pictures, documents of final demonstration teaching
a.       Rating scale of cooperating teacher
b.      Teaching demonstration observation guide-rating scale of observers
15.  Professional development plan or career plan
16.  DTR


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7. Examples of lesson plans used (Semi-detailed)

6. A brief description of the site of practice teaching

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